Insure & Ensure provides a unique method of training and superior high class direct mail leads for many different sources. Our training allows a new or tenured agent the ability to start writing business within their first week out in the field. Our agency managers are on call and complete all risk assessments while the new or tenured agent is in the client's household completing an application. We also provide free lead programs on our career side and very competitive lead pricing programs on our broker side. We provide the best of both worlds. Insure & Ensure is a retention-based company. We take care of our agents and in doing so we provide a path of success and freedom.
Why Work With Us

Mortgage Protection
Direct Mail Lead Programs
MPI - This particular lead is designed
to help repay a mortgage. We mail to
specific clients that have recently
refinanced or purchased a
new home.
*This lead program is available under a FREE lead system or a pay per lead system.

Final Expense
Direct Mail Lead Programs
FEI - Final Expense coverage is
commonly used for clients within a
specific age and income bracket
who are interested in
burial coverage.
*This lead program is available under a FREE lead system or a pay per lead system.

Federal Market
Direct Mail Lead Programs
FMI - This is a proprietary lead
generation system that is provided
in certain areas all over the county.
Please inquire within to get additional information.
*This lead program is only available under our FREE lead system

Of The Year